Organ Specifications
Technical Details
Chests: Slider
26 ranks. 3 divisions. 2 manuals. 26 registers.
Position: Console in fixed position, center.
Key Action: Electrical connection from key to chest.
Stop Action: Electric connection between stop control and chest.
Console Style: Traditional style without cover.
Stop Controls: Drawknobs in horizontal rows on terraced/stepped jambs.
Combination Action: Computerized/Digital system.
Swell Control Type: Balanced swell shoes/pedals, AGO standard placement.
Pedalboard Type: Concave radiating pedalboard meeting AGO Standards.
Has Crescendo Pedal
Has Tutti Reversible Thumb Pistons
Has Tutti Reversible Toe Pistons
Has Combination Action Thumb Pistons
Has Combination Action Toe Pistons
Has Coupler Reversible Thumb Pistons
Has Coupler Reversible Toe Pistons
Organ Specifications
Grande Orgue
16' Bourdon
8' Montre
8' Gambe
4' Prestant
2' Doublette
IV Mixture
8' Flute Harmonique
8' Bourdon
4' Flute Octaviante
8' Dulciana
8' Oboe
8' Diapason
8' Salicional
8' Vox Celeste
4' Prestant
2' Octavin
2' Cornet
8' Cor de Nuit
4' Flute A Chiminee
2' Erzahler Gel
8' Trompette
16' Bassoon
32' Basse Acoustique
16' Contrebasse
16' Subasse
8' Basse
4' Basse de Chorale
16' Bourdon
8' Bourdon
8' Violoncelle
16' soft Violone
16' Fagotto